守护自由 为人权发声


人气 346

【大纪元2017年8月03日讯】(大纪元特约记者舒雅采访报导)“拥有自由、生活在可以自由发声国家的人们,我们有责任利用自由去为那些没有自由的人发声。”“We have a responsibility to use the freedom to speak up for others who can’t.”——人权活动家 英国保守党人权委员会副主席班尼迪克·罗杰斯(Benedict Rogers)



关注中国人权问题 深入了解法轮功修炼团体

2016年年初,作为英国保守党人权委员会副主席的罗杰斯向主席 Fiona Bruce 议员建议对中国的人权状况作出调查。“中国的人权问题日渐严重,我们应该向英国政府就同中国的关系问题施压,迫使英政府在中国人权问题上采取行动。”罗杰斯如是说道。

2016年6月28日,英国保守党人权委员会发表了人权报告——《最黑暗的时刻》(The Darkest Moment),并于6月30日在英国下议院举行了针对中国“活摘器官”问题的听证会。听证会上,加拿大世界小姐林耶凡(Annatassia Lin)和作家及资深调查记者伊森·葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)到场举证。

“我之前就听过很多有关法轮功以及活摘法轮功学员器官的事情。但通过他们,我了解到更多细节。我为我所了解的内容而震惊, 我感到我应该参与并且为此发声。”

2016年6月30日上午,尼迪克特•罗杰斯在英国保守党人权委员主持召开关于中共“活摘器官”听证会上。(Simon Gross/大纪元) Thursday 30 June, at 9am in Committee Room 17, Houses of Parliament, the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission will hold a hearing on organ harvesting in China, with Ethan Gutmann and David Matas, co-authors of the new report "Bloody Harvest/The Slaughter: An Update", Anastasia Lin, and Dr Enver Tothi. It will be chaired by Fiona Bruce MP. Please see our press release below. -- The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission www.conservativehumanrights.com Press Release 27 June 2016 CHINA’S ORGAN HARVESTING TO BE FOCUS OF HEARING IN PARLIAMENT The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission is holding a hearing to examine the issue of organ harvesting in China, at 9a.m on Thursday 30 June in Committee Room 17, House of Commons. Journalist Ethan Gutmann and lawyer David Matas, co-authors of a major new report on the subject, will present evidence. Their report, Bloody Harvest/The Slaughter: An Update, was launched last week and they testified at a hearing in the United States Congress alongside the report’s other author, former Canadian member of parliament and government minister David Kilgour. Their report claims that forced organ harvesting – the forced removal of internal organs from live individuals, often prisoners of conscience, for sale, often to foreigners for transplants – is continuing on a massive scale. Victims of the practice include prisoners of conscience, particularly practitioners of Falun Gong, Uighur Muslims and other religious and ethnic minorities. Enver Tothi, a Uighur surgeon from China who has publicly admitted to carrying out one operation for the purpose of organ harvesting, will also testify to the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, along with Anastasia Lin, a Chinese-born Canadian actress and Miss World Canada, whose forthcoming film The Bleeding Edge highlights forced organ harvesting in China. The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission heard evidence on the subject of organ harvesting in its inquiry into human rights in China earlier this year, and its new report – The Darkest Moment: The Crackdown on Human Rights in China 2013-2016 – to be launched in Parliament on 28 June calls for further investigation into the issue. This hearing opens a new inquiry specifically into organ harvesting, which the Commission pledged in its report to conduct. The Commission urges the United Kingdom government and the international community to investigate the practice. Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, said: “The evidence we heard in our hearings on China earlier this year, and the new report published this month by Ethan Gutmann, David Matas and David Kilgour, indicates a truly horrific, ghastly and harrowing practice of the forced extraction of organs from prisoners of conscience on a mass scale. So appalling is the scale and barbarity of this practice that we believe it is essential for policy-makers to examine the evidence further, to establish the facts, to develop better understanding and awareness, and to consider urgently policies which might address this. For those reasons we are holding this hearing, and will conduct further research in order to make our contribution to the efforts to highlight organ harvesting and proposals for action to end it.” For further information please contact Johnny Monro on johnny.monro@parliament.uk, or call the office of Fiona Bruce MP on 020 7 219 2969, or email Benedict Rogers on benrogers@csw.org.uk. Notes to the Editor: David Matas is an internationally renowned lawyer and human rights activist. He holds a position as an adjunct professor in Immigration & Refugee Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba and currently acts as Senior Honorary Counsel for B’nai Brith Canada. Mr. Matas has served the government of Canada in numerous positions including as member of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Conference on an International Criminal Court and has been involved in several different organizations including the Canadian Helsinki Watch Group, Beyond Borders, Amnesty International, and the Canadian Council for Refugees. In 2010 Mr Matas was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his investigation alongside the Hon. David Kilgour of organ harvesting practices in China as detailed in their book Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for their Organs. He received the Manitoba Bar Association Distinguished Service Award in 2008, the Order of Canada in 2009, the Canadian Bar Association National Citizenship and Immigration Section Achievement Award in 2009; and the International Society for Human Rights Swiss Section Human Rights Prize in 2010. Matas’ other works include Why Did You Do That? The Autobiography of a Human Rights Advocate; Justice Delayed: Nazi War Criminals in Canada with Susan Charendoff; Closing the Doors: The Failure of Refugee Protection with Ilana Simon; No More: The Battle Against Human Rights Violations; Bloody Words: Hate and Free Speech; and Aftershock: Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism. Matas received a BA from the University from Manitoba, an MA from Princeton University, a BA (Jurisprudence) and a Bachelor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford. He currently lives in Winnipeg. For further information, see organharvestinvestigation.net Ethan Gutmann is an award-winning China analyst and human-rights investigator, Ethan Gutmann is the author of Losing the New China and most recently, The Slaughter. Mr Gutmann’s seminal research into China’s prison camp system, Chinese Internet surveillance, and the intersection of Western business with Chinese security objectives has received sustained attention since 1999. Mr Gutmann has provided testimony and briefings to the United States Congress, the Central Intelligence Agency, the European Parliament, the International Society for Human Rights, the United Nations, and parliaments in London, Ottawa, Canberra, Jerusalem, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Prague. Along with appearances on PBS, CNN, BBC, and CNBC, Gutmann has written widely on Chinese military development, the US business scene in Beijing and Chinese hacking for The Asian Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, The Weekly Standard, World Affairs Journal, and many other publications. In 2011, Gutmann received a “Sidney Award” from the New York Times for his long-form essay, The Xinjiang Procedure. Formerly a Senior Counselor at APCO China and a visiting fellow at both the Project for the New American Century and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Gutmann served as Chief Investigator for the AV network of Washington during the 1990s, directing "American Investigator," an influential documentary series. In the 1980s, Gutmann specialized in arms control and dynamic modeling as a foreign policy analyst at the Brookings Institution. Gutmann completed both a B.A. and a Master of International Affairs at Columbia University in New York. Gutmann is currently serving as a consultant on a feature film entitled Into Thin Airwaves based on chapter seven of The Slaughter. An American citizen, he currently resides in London with his wife of 20 years and his 13-year-old son. For further information, see ethan-gutmann.com and eastofethan.com Anastasia Lin: Anastasia Lin is an award-winning actress, beauty pageant titleholder, and human rights advocate. In 2015, Miss Lin won the Miss World Canada title, and was to represent Canada at the Miss World pageant in China. However, she was refused a visa and declared a persona non grata by Chinese authorities for her outspoken views on the country’s human rights violations and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The news of her rejection—and subsequent attempt to enter China—caused global media attention for weeks, leading to a front page article in The New York Times and op-eds in major newspapers. Since then, she has been invited to speak at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, the Oxford Union, and the Geneva Human Rights Summit at the UN, and has testified in the US Congress, the UK Parliament, and the Taiwanese Legislative Assembly. Miss Lin has appeared in over 20 films and television productions. She often works at the confluence of activism and acting, playing roles that carry messages of freedom, human rights, and ethics. Her films have received the Gabriel Award for Best Feature Film, the Mexico International Film Festival’s Golden Palm Award, and the California’s Indie Fest Award of Merit. Lin also won the Best Leading Actress in a TV Movie at the Leo Awards in 2016. As a model, she’s made appearances on runways around the world, including the New York Fashion Week show at the prestigious Waldorf-Astoria. Miss Lin has been listed as one of the “Top 25 under 25” by MTV, a “Top 60 under 30” by Flare, and called “The Badass Beauty Queen” by Marie Claire. She was one of eleven stakeholders selected to meet with Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird upon the establishment of Canada’s Office of Religious Freedom. Her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Globe and Mail, and other major newspapers. Enver Tohti Bughda was born in Hami (Qumul) city in Xinjiang China, and was brought up in Urumqi, the capital of Uyghur autonomous region. Upon graduating from Shihezi Medical University, he joined the Railway Central Hospital as a surgical oncologist. He worked in that capacity for over 13 years before leaving China for political reasons. After discovering the connection between the disproportionately high malignant tumour rate and the nuclear test in the Lupnur region in Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, with the help of a British film crew he exposed the devastating effect of nuclear test by making a documentary film about the test victims. As a result he was compelled to flee China and seek asylum in the UK. Upon acquiring political asylum and settling in London, through actively attending various international conferences and public discussion forums, he continued to promote knowledge about the shocking consequences of nuclear test in Lupnor (Luobopu) area, and fought for the rights of the test victims. He was also a political activist who campaigned for the human rights of the Uyghur people and, for number of years headed Uyghur political activities in the UK. In order to create a platform for an informed exchange of ideas he launched “Silk Road Dialogue”, an online platform. Years of public appearances and promoting Uyghur cause in the global stage has brought him international recognition as an expert speaker on the nuclear test issue in Xinjiang, China. Today, he is frequently being invited to present talks in important international conferences globally. He is not only a passionate advocate of Uyghur cause, but a qualified medical surgeon with first-hand information about the topic. PHOTOS: Si Gross
2016年6月30日上午,尼迪克特•罗杰斯在英国保守党人权委员主持召开关于中共“活摘器官”听证会上。(Simon Gross/大纪元)


罗杰斯从此更多的为那些因为不放弃信仰而一直受到中共打压迫害的法轮功功修炼团体公开发声。“我相信,Fiona Bruce 议员会继续敦促下议院进行辩论,谴责活摘器官。”罗杰斯说。



LONDON, UK, Thursday 22 June 2017.Ben Rogers at Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) Office.
尼迪克·罗杰斯Benedict Rogers(Simon Gross/大纪元)

在几经生死的考验,出入东亚地区的时候,罗杰斯感到最欣慰的时候,就是与那些经历或正在经历苦难的人们面对面,了解他们的故事的时光。“我总能在他们身上寻找到让我坚持的力量, 他们展现了勇气、信念和坚忍不拔,即便经历痛苦。”罗杰斯面露喜悦的神色。

“在世界的各个角落,尤其是亚洲,仍然存在很多挑战。我必须坚持下去。”而罗杰斯的愿望就是“让世界不再需要这项工作 ”。

人权:尊严的核心 人人需要为之贡献

罗杰斯深信,不只是专职的人权活动家,每个人都可以为人权贡献自己的力量:“从一个让你关心的、特定的人权事件着手,之后联络当地的相关人权组织。” 对于那些希望更深入了解人权事务的人,罗杰斯建议首先要了解本国那些经历人权迫害的人,或者因为政治原因来本国避难的政治难民。“倾听他们的故事会成为维护人权的起始动机,并从中得到鼓励。”罗杰斯说。



罗杰斯还提到,中国的维权人士都是热爱中国、热爱中国文化的,他们维护的是世界上每一个人最基本的权利。因为每一个人,当然包括中国人在内都签署了《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。其第十八条的内容提到了思想自由、良知和宗教。 在不违反法律或没有实质性伤害他人的行为如恐怖袭击等的前提之下,每一个人有自由选择、而非强制性灌输他们自己信仰的权利。罗杰斯说,“宗教信仰自由是最基本的人权之一,是人尊严的核心。”

维护人权道路艰辛 几经生死



而罗杰斯有几位和他一样奔走在守护人权 阵线上的朋友们就没有那么幸运了。他们中有的已经遇刺身亡,另有几位还在冒着生命危险为人权伸张正义。



罗杰斯和缅甸边境的孩子(Benedict Rogers提供)




《缅甸:一个徬徨的国度》(Burma: A Nation at the Crossroads)

罗杰斯亲历现场,在被缅甸军政府重重管制下走访各地,以地毯式的田野采访,访问了政治犯与民运人士、人权义工、记者、英国外交官、受虐百姓、被迫从军的孩子兵、遭缅族军政府种族清洗的少数民族,以及昂山素季与其好友等人。将边境少数族群的悲惨命运和缅甸的民主运动交织在一起,生动有力的描述了缅甸人民的悲惨境遇 。

罗杰斯和昂山素季(Benedict Rogers提供)
罗杰斯和缅甸边境的人民(Benedict Rogers提供)

班尼迪克·罗杰斯(Benedict Rogers)简介:

班尼迪克·罗杰斯为亚洲人权问题专家、国际人权组织“全球基督徒团结组织”(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)倡导人,现居住伦敦。


经常为《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)、《国际前锋论坛报》(International Herald Tribune)、《纽约时报》(New York Times)、《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)与《卫报》(Guardian)等国际媒体供稿,也是英国广播公司(BBC)、美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、半岛电视(Al-Jazeera)等广电业者的座上常客。◇ #

责任编辑: 文婧

加拿大小姐林耶凡英议会作证 为人权发声   
英议会“活摘器官”听证会 谴责中共反人类