美优胜美地“火瀑布”奇景 似熔岩倾泻而下

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【大纪元2017年02月16日讯】(大纪元记者夏雨综合报导)每年2月,美国北加州著名的优胜美地(Yosemite)国家公园会出现一幕“火瀑布”(firefall)奇景,该公园的马尾瀑布(Horsetail Fall)在阳光照耀下,宛若橙色熔岩从悬崖倾泻而下,形成一幅独一无二的画面。


美国国家公园服务发言人Scott Gediman表示,今年因为多雨雪,瀑布规模比以往更大。他说:“在过去几年里,由于社交媒体的传播,瀑布获得了人气。人们从世界各地前来欣赏。”

I will make this the last Firefall photograph of this year. Promise not to talk about this event until next year. Today, as I was going through my photo library for an unpublished Firefall pic to send to a magazine, I realized this was one of my personal favorites from that evening. No idea why I didn’t share it the first time. This is the Horse tail waterfall in the Yosemite National Park. Every year for a few days in February, the sun sets at a certain angle and illuminates the waterfall in luminescent orange and red, making it look like a molten lava. #firefall #firefall2017 #cool_capture_ #photoarena_nature #naturewhisperers #inspiring_photography_admired #dream_image #visitcalifornia #jaw_dropping_shots #gottolove_this #splendid_earth #thebest_capture #b_picturess #igs_america #ig_unitedstates #greatshotz #special_shots #magicpict #phototag_it #wildcalifornia_ #NikonLove #globalcapture #ig_exquisite #ig_impulse #viewbugfeature #usinterior #moodygrams #rawcalifornia

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对摄影爱好者来说,如果想捕捉美好景致,公园网站建议,最好的观赏地点是酋长巨石(El Capitan)野餐区,但需要确保在公园人潮拥挤前就抵达该处,选好欣赏地点。


The Return of Firefall I had published photographs of this phenomenon last year. This year, I feel fortunate to have been one of the firsts to witness it. In fact, I just drove back home after seeing this unforgettable moment. This is the Horse tail waterfall in the Yosemite National Park. Every year for a few days in February, the sun sets at a certain angle and illuminates the waterfall in luminescent orange and red, making it look like a molten lava. More information on this phenomenon is here, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160219-yosemite-firefall-waterfall-sunset-pictures-nature/. #westcoast_exposures #majestic_earth_ #cool_capture_ #photoarena_nature #naturewhisperers #inspiring_photography_admired #dream_image #visitcalifornia #jaw_dropping_shots #gottolove_this #splendid_earth #thebest_capture #b_picturess #igs_america #ig_unitedstates #phototag_it #wildcalifornia_ #NikonLove #globalcapture #ig_exquisite #ig_impulse #viewbugfeature #usinterior #moodygrams #rawcalifornia #firefall #firefall2017

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摄影师Sangeeta Dey在Instagram上张贴火瀑布的图片。他写道:“今年,我很幸运成为率先见证(奇景)的一员。”他表示,这是难以忘怀的一幕景致。

位于内华达山脉的马尾瀑布,坐落在埃尔多拉多县一保护区内,总高度超过2,000英尺(609.6米),水流从近500英尺(约合152米)的高度倾泻而下。游客可以从美国50号公路附近的“双子桥”(Twin Bridges)北部出发,步行来到马尾瀑布。



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