
Using a credit card
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对话 (一)

A= Do you accept credit cards? 你收信用卡吗?
B= Yes, we do. 收。
A= Okay great! 那太好了。

B= What would you like to have? 你想要什么/你想买什么?
A= I would like that box of doughnuts please? 我想买那盒油炸面包圈。

B= Will that be all? 就要那些吗?
A= Yes. 对。

B= That comes to $5.00 dollars. 一共五块钱。

A= Here is my card. 这是我的卡。

B= Just sign at the bottom. 请在底下签字。

A= Which copy do I keep? 我留哪页纸?
B= You keep the yellow copy. 你留黄色的那页。

A= Thank you. 谢谢。

B= You’re welcome. Have a nice day. 不客气。祝你一天过得愉快。


accept 接受
credit 信誉,信用
card 卡
credit card 信用卡
box 盒子
a box of 一盒, 是个量词
doughnuts 是一种食品,油炸发面圈
Will that be all? 就那些吗?
that comes to 是cost 价值的另一种说法
That comes to $5.00 dollars. 一共五元钱。
Which 哪个
copy 副本, 副印件
keep 保留,留着

* * *

A= How are you today?
B= I’m fine thank you. How are you?
A= Pretty good.
B= I’d like to buy these items.
A= Okay. That comes to $26.50. Will that be cash or charge?
B= Charge.
A= May I see your card?
B= Sure.
A= Here you are. Please sign at the bottom.
B= Okay.
A= You keep the yellow copy.
B= Thank you.
A= You’re welcome. Have a nice day.


charge 信誉卡, credit card 的另一种说法
or 或者,在一句话里有两种以上的选择时用这个字。

Will that be cash or charge? 是现金还是信用卡?
Do you want coffee or tea? 你想喝咖啡还是喝茶?
Are you American or English? 你是美国人还是英国人?
may 可以,这个字用在问话里时是个很有礼貌的字。
may 和please用在一起就更有礼貌。我们知道这个意思就行了, 不用翻出来。

May I please have some more tea? 我可以再要点茶吗?
May I please be excused? 我离开可以吗?
May I please stop? 我可以停下来吗?

用信用卡买东西很方便,你使用的时候一定要注意,不要随便把你的信用卡号给别人。如果你把卡丢了,应该马上给信誉卡公司打电话,报遗失,把卡取消了。如果有人已经用了你的卡买东西了,你可以不交钱, 因为你没有签字。信用卡公司会酌情处理的。

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